During August 2020 we will be running our next module, Through His People. This will be a return to the study of biblical theology, and this time we’ll be studying the biblical story through the lens of five key figures in the biblical story. Each figure will help us see how God works through his people to make his presence known, culminating in Jesus who opens up the way to a new creation free of suffering, sin, and death.

In each lesson, we will consider how the figure is introduced, how there have been hints of them in the story up until then, how the story develops from there, and how it all culminates in Jesus:

  1. Our first lesson will be on the originals, Adam and Eve, their legacy, and how Jesus is the second Adam.

  2. Our second less will be on the patriarch, Abraham, the role his family plays in blessing the world, and how Jesus expands his family to include the Gentiles.

  3. Our third lesson will be on the mediator, Moses, his role as both priest and prophet, and how these are filled out in Jesus.

  4. Our fourth lesson will be on the king, David, how he is used by God, and how Jesus is the ultimate king for God’s people.

  5. And our final lesson will be on the servant, the figure of Isaiah, and how he relates to Israel and Jesus.


Who it’s for

We aim our lessons at Christians who are interested in digging deeper into their faith. Our teaching philosophy is that this can be done in a way that is both accessible to newcomers to a topic and challenging to those experienced with it. Lessons are fairly interactive, and we encourage questions from attendees.

You do not need have come to either of our previous modules, although if you’re interested you can take a look at our introduction to biblical theology. You will not be expected to do homework of any kind.


What you need to know

Because of the current global COVID-19 pandemic, we will not be physically meeting as usual. Instead, for the five weeks of the module, we will post a lesson video up on the Tuesday, and on the following Monday post a Question & Response video based on questions we receive from viewers. Both videos will be 30–40min long. We haven’t finalized everything yet, but if you sign up here we will keep you posted with details.

If you have any further questions, feel free to email us at info@faithseekingunderstanding.co.za.


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