What is Faith Seeking Understanding?
Faith Seeking Understanding is a project led by Roland Elliott and Matthew O’Kelly, aimed at equipping Christians to build a biblical worldview that they may know God deeply and serve him well. It is our conviction that God has revealed himself ultimately through his Son Jesus Christ, and that Christians should be able to read first the book of God’s word in the Bible and second the book of God’s world in creation around us.
Every six months we run a 5-week module in Cape Town, South Africa, on Monday evenings. These modules cover biblical, systematic, or practical theology over five lessons, with questions and answers from those who join us.
Take a look at the modules we’ve covered so far, and if you’re interested consider signing up for our next module.
If you’d like to contact us, email us at info@faithseekingunderstanding.co.za.
Where did the name come from?
“Man cannot seek God, unless God himself teaches him; nor find him, unless he reveals himself. God created man in his image, that he might be mindful of him, think of him, and love him. The believer does not seek to understand that he may believe, but he believes that he may understand: for unless he believed he would not understand.”
The phrase “faith seeking understanding” originated from St Anselm of Canterbury, a Christian theologian who was developing the approach started by St Augustine of Hippo. At its core, it captures the relationship we have with God is built first and foremost on faith, but in such a way that we can probe for deeper understanding and thereby enrich this relationship.
This phrase captures exactly the kind of attitude we’d like to cultivate in our fellow Christians, so we decided to name this project after it.